Rice University Adds Panasonic 4K Cameras for Stadium

Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年6月14日

NEWARK, N.J.—Rice Stadium, home of Rice University’s football team, is getting a major upgrade, which includes the addition of 4K cameras from Panasonic. Rice University Athletics has purchased four AK-UC3000 4K camera systems, as well as AW-HE130 integrated pan/tilt/zoom cameras for high end-zone coverage.


Rice athletic department officials cited the cameras ability to provide high-quality video to the new LED 1080p score board and uncompressed long-distance transmission over SMPTE as key factors in selecting the cameras.

The UC3000 features a full-UHD resolution single MOS sensor that outputs a UHD signal up to 3840/2160/60p. The camera has a B4 mount that can accommodate 2/3-inch lenses and can shoot with high sensitivity (F10/2000lx), low noise (S/N 60dB+), high resolution (1800 TV lines/UHD) and a wide dynamic range of 600 percent.

Three of the UC3000 cameras will be placed on the upper deck of the stadium looking down on the field, while the fourth will be on the field itself. The facility and technology upgrade is expected to be completed by Sept. 1.

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