Author:OMO Release Date: 2016年5月3日

In today’s session Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) recorded an unusually high (2,504) contracts volume of put trades. Someone, most probably a professional was a very active buyer of the May, 2016 put, expecting serious ADI decrease. With 2,504 contracts traded and 23844 open interest for the May, 16 contract, it seems this is a quite bearish bet. The option with symbol: ADI160520P00060000 closed last at: $3.9 or 17% down. The stock increased 1.23% or $0.69 during the last trading session, hitting $57.01. About 1.70M shares traded hands. Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADI) has risen 4.72% since September 25, 2015 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.05% the S&P500.

Analysts await Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADI) to report earnings on May, 17. They expect $0.62 EPS, down 15.07% or $0.11 from last year’s $0.73 per share. ADI’s profit will be $187.05M for 22.99 P/E if the $0.62 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.56 actual EPS reported by Analog Devices, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 10.71% EPS growth.

Out of 25 analysts covering Analog Devices (NASDAQ:ADI), 17 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 12 “Hold”. This means 59% are positive. Analog Devices has been the topic of 50 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.13 in 2015 Q4. Its down 0.09, from 1.22 in 2015Q3. The ratio turned negative, as 45 funds sold all Analog Devices, Inc. shares owned while 194 reduced positions. 53 funds bought stakes while 216 increased positions. They now own 268.15 million shares or 5.95% less from 285.11 million shares in 2015Q3.

Cantillon Capital Management Llc holds 7.83% of its portfolio in Analog Devices, Inc. for 7.52 million shares. Central Securities Corp owns 400,000 shares or 5.36% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Tahithromos L.L.C. has 3.52% invested in the company for 67,000 shares. The Massachusetts-based American Research & Management Co. has invested 3.44% in the stock. Tirschwell & Loewy Inc, a New York-based fund reported 338,216 shares.

Analog Devices, Inc. is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processing technology, including integrated circuits (ICs), algorithms, software and subsystems. The company has a market cap of $17.20 billion. The Company’s operating divisions include United States, Rest of North/South America, Europe, Japan, China and Rest of Asia. It has a 26.46 P/E ratio. The Company’s signal processing products help in converting, conditioning and processing real-world phenomena, such as temperature, pressure, sound, light, speed and motion into electrical signals.






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